I envisage that eventually they will adopt the tried and tested system of mainstream Churches. Hold the main sermon on Sunday for everyone to come and socialize, and drop midweek meetings.
At my 'mainstream Church,' which I attend quite irregularly due to my work schedule, we do have a mid-week meeting of sorts, but it's nothing like the CLAM as described here. It's more like this: spaghetti dinner (or other dish) served at about 6pm. Three dollar donation appreciated. Adults socialize while youths play pick-up basketball, or get tutoring for school work. Most of talk between adult men is about fishing, sports, cars, ect. At some point, the pastor shares info on what community programs are going on, and/or how we can volunteer. Somewhere in there, he'll share the balance sheet and give income & expenditures. Any projects that come up are held to a vote by members. Yes, there is Bible study, hymns and so forth, after the spaghetti & socializing & youth round-ball. Btw, the Bible study is more a guided discussion, than a one-way lecture. Also, it's not very scripted. So, what might start out as a discussion on the nature of Jesus, can easily go off into a tangent. It keeps things interesting, but could be annoying to someone accustomed to more structure.
That's what we do. Not saying it's the 'right' way or not, but I enjoy it. It just sounds like the JW leaders are going to have to make a stark choice, eventually: become more 'mainstream,' or whither away into some type of internet based e-religion. I'm pretty amazed that the JWs have been around so long while not contributing much (it seems to me) to the community at large. I've never seen a JW free-clinic, unless they just don't have 'em in my area.
Oh...and our Wednesday 'meetings' or get-togethers, are open to anyone in the community. I think that's true of most mainstream type churches. Is that the case with these CLAM meetings? I have JW relatives, but kind of afraid to ask (they'll want to set up a study with me). 😁